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Hi everyone and welcome to My Grief Tribe. I am an Australian widow and mum to three awesome kids. When my hubby died I was 44 and my kids were 10, 11 and 13. We were in the middle of owner building our home and living on site in an old caravan. I am a full time carer for my kids who all have disabilities and I home school them too.


So why did I start My Grief Tribe?


Being alone in grief is really sucky at an already yucky time. I felt like I was the only one in the world dealing with all the challenges on this journey that no one wants to be on, till I met other people grieving. That connection when you can find others who really deep down get what you are going through and understand what you are saying is a lifeboat in a sea of confusion and I wanted to provide a place where people grieving could find their tribe too.


Some random things about me:

I LOVE the colour purple, drink too much Pepsi max and eat too much Cadbury diary milk chocolate – cause it is in a purple wrapper and delicious lol!! I like to sing loudly and badly to random songs, dance equally badly around my house (the dorkier the moves the better), make groan worthy puns and corny jokes and generally bug my kids.

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